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1932年 | Born in Liling City of Hunan Province;
1932年 | 湖南醴陵市出生;
1942年 | Began to copy Painting Manual of Ma Dai and Painting Manual of Jie Zi Yuan while studying the ancient calligraphy and paintings collected in his home at the age of 10 ;
1942年 | 10岁时开始临摹马骀画谱和芥子园画谱,并学习和临摹家中所收藏的名人古字画;
1947年 | Learnt European oil painting from Mr;
Pan Shutang as a middle school student; |
1947年 | 中学时拜当地名师潘樹棠先生学习西画;
1952年 | Published comic strips consisting of 12 pictures on The Construction Newspaper of Xiangtan City in Hunan Province;
1952年 | 在湖南省湘潭市建设报发表12幅“新法接生连环画;
1958年 | Worked as an art editor, and reporter in Wuhan;
1958年 | 在武汉任美术编辑和记者;
1962年 | Worked as Secretary of Wuhan Arts and Crafts Research Institute;
1962年 | 任武汉工艺美术研究室专业秘书;
1965年 | Displayed paper-cutting works at major exhibitions in and at home and abroad;
Works also showed in national newspapers and periodicals many times when he engaged in the folk arts and crafts research; |
1965年 | 从事民间工艺美术研究工作所创剪纸作品参加国内外大展,并多次在全国报刊发表;
1968-72 | Worked as the Deputy Head of the group for creating and designing the paintings in a style of the ancients of Wuhan Calligraphy and Painting Institute;
During this period, he copied a lot of famous ancient Chinese paintings, and visited a number of exhibitions for Traditional Chinese Paintings collected by the major museums across the country; |
1968-72年 | 任武汉中国书画院仿古画创作设计组副组长,期间大量临摹中国历代名家名画,参观学习;
1973年 | closer encounter with the famous mountains and rivers across China to paint from nature and began to create new paintings;
1973年 | 深入全国名山大川实景写生,开始创作新画;
1975年 | Studied and copied the paintings of Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, Shi Lu and Qian Songyan;
1975年 | 学习和临摹当代名家齐白石,黄宾虹,傅抱石,李可染,石鲁,钱松岩的作品;
1977年 | Published the four-piece landscape painting “Guilin Scenery”;
1977年 | 中国画“桂林山水四幅出版;
1978年 | Took part in Li Keran’s for landscape painting course in 1978 and had since been under the personal guidance of Mr;
Li in the subsequent years; |
1978年 | 参加李可染亲授“山水画学习班学习,之后一直受到李老师的亲临指导;
1979年 | Visited and sought advice from famous contemporary painters like Wu Zuoren, Cui Zifan, Lu Shibai, Liang Shunian, He Haixia, Zhang Ting and Bai Xueshi;
1979年 | 拜访请教当代名家吴作人,崔子范,李苦禅,娄师白,梁树年,何海霞,张仃,白雪石等;
1981年 | 《雨后》(中国画)荣获湖北省暨武汉市******美术作品三等奖;
1983年 | Attended the exhibition held for six Chinese artists at the invitation of Singapore;
1983年 | 应新加坡邀请参加“中国六画家联展;
《人在画幅中》(中国画)荣获湖北省工艺美术书画作品展览优秀奖; |
1984年 | Created the painting “Scenic Li River”, 12 m×3 m, at the invitation of the China Arts and Crafts Innovation Exhibition ;
After the exhibition, the painting was collected by the Jing Xi Hotel of Beijing; |
1984年 | 应中国工艺美术创新大展邀请创作巨幅山水画“漓江秀色长12*3m,展后北京京西;
仿宋大家范宽《雪景寒林图》荣获湖北省工艺美术仿古画二等奖; |
1985年 | Paid a visit to Zhao Wuji, a Chinese-French artist who has a worldwide reputation for his achievements in abstract paintings, and received his personal guidance;
1985年 | 拜见法籍华裔世界抽象画大师赵无极,受到大师的亲临指导;
1986年 | The painting “Scenic Li River” was published by Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House as a New Year Picture and was distributed nationwide;
1986年 | The landscape painting “Snow-covered Forests” that Tang Wanqing copied a famous painter in the Song Dynasty won the Provincial Second Prize;
It was published by the Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House as the central scroll New Year picture and distributed nationwide; |
1986年 | “漓江秀色中国画由湖南省美术出版社出版为单幅年画全国发行;
仿宋大家范宽“雪景寒林山水画获省级二等奖,湖北省美术出版社出版为中堂年画全国发行; |
1989年 | 《漓江积翠》(中国画通景屏)荣获湖北省工艺美术作品展览二等奖;
1990年 | Attended the exhibition of calligraphy and paintings for Chinese artists in Tokyo at the invitation of Tokyo, Japan;
1990年 | 应日本东京邀请进行艺术交流,在东京参加中国美术家书画展;
1992年 | Was invited to take part in the 28th Asia Modern Arts Exhibition (international) in Japan;
Held personal painting exhibition at the Edogawa Culture Center of Tokyo,Japan; |
1992年 | 应邀参加日本第28回亚细亚现代美术展(国际展);
在日本东京都江户川区综合文化中心举办个展; |
1993年 | Held personal painting exhibition at the “Chinese Gallery” in Yokohama, Japan;
Held personal painting exhibition in Shunde City, Humen of Dongguan City, Huizhou City and Shanwei City in Guangdong Province in 1993; |
1993年 | 在日本横滨“中国画廊举办个展;
在广东省顺德市、东莞虎门、惠州市、汕尾市四地举办个展; |
1994年 | Held personal paint ing exhibi t ion in Shantou Ci ty and Zhongshan Ci ty of Guangdong Province;
Four paintings were selected into Yearbook of Chinese Art Collection (1992-93); |
1994年 | 在广东汕头市、中山市分别举办个展;
“92-93中国艺术收藏年鉴四幅作品入选; |
1995年 | Two paintings were selected into Yearbook of Chinese Art Collection (1993-94);
1995年 | “93-94中国艺术收藏年鉴两幅作品入选;
1996年 | Collected Works of Tang Wangqing was published by Wuhan Publishing House;
1996年 | 《汤万清作品集》武汉市出版社出版发行;
1997年 | His brief biography was collected into Who’s Who in the World of Chinese Literature and Arts and Who’s Who in the World ;
1997年 | 个人传略收入《世界华人文学艺术界名人录》和《世界名人录》;
1998年 | His brief biography of Tang Wanqing was collected into Biographies of the World- Renowned Artists in 1998;
Created the hanging scrolls “Wan He Lai Quan” literally meaning “Numerous Creeks Running Down the Gullies, which was selected into Collection of World Fine Arts Works in the same year; |
1998年 | 个人传略被收入《世界美术家传》;
1998年 | 创作巨幅《万壑来泉》通景画屏被收入《世界美术集》;
2001年 | Held a personal painting exhibition at Panyu Museum in Guangzhou City;
2001年 | 在广州市番禺博物馆举办个展;
2003年 | The landscape painting Nan Guo Shui Xiang (literally meaning “Riverside Villages in Southern China”) won the golden prize at the Shaanxi Auto Cup Invitational Exhibition of Calligraphy and Paintings for famous Chinese artists ;
In the same year, he created the large-scaled painting “FlyingWaterfalls in the Huangshan Mountains”; |
2003年 | 《南国水乡》获陕汽杯全国名人书法、绘画邀请大展金奖;
同年创作巨幅山水画《黄山飞瀑》; |
2004年 | Held personal painting exhibition in Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province;
2004年 | 广东省江门市举办个展;
2005年 | Was invi ted to take part in the 41st Asian Modern Arts Internat ional Exhibi t ion in Japan ;
2005年 | 应邀参加日本第41回亚细亚现代美术国际展;
2006年 | Was invited to take part in the 42nd Asian Modern Arts International Exhibition in Japan;
2006年 | 应邀参加日本第42回亚细亚现代美术国际展;
2007-2008 | Involved in artistic exchanges on Traditional Chinese Painting in Tokyo and worked as a member of the judging panel for art works ;
2007-2008年 | 在日本东京进行中国水墨画艺术交流活动,并多次担任美术作品评审委员;
2009年 | Was invited to take part in the 9th Chinese Culture and Arts Exchange Exhibition in France and won the Golden Prize and was honored with the title “Ambassador of Chinese-European Culture and Arts” ;
2009年 | 应邀参加赴法国第九届中国文化艺术交流展中荣获“金奖同时并授予“杰出艺术家”和“中欧文化艺术特使”称号;
2010年 | Held personal painting exhibition at the Fu Rong Gallery of Changsha City in Hunan Province;
2010年 | 在湖南省长沙市芙蓉美术馆举办个展;